Long Island Vent Pipe Leak Repairs
Vent Pipe Leak Repair Experts
Plumbing vent pipe collars consist of a metal base (flange) usually made from aluminum with a rubber gasket integrated into the top (middle) of the flange. This boot comes in different sizes allowing installers to slip rubber boot (gasket) over pipe, using the surrounding flange to layer (weave) into roofing, utilizing gravity to shed water, using no caulk or tar to keep water out.

Most leaks at vent pipes are from old vent pipe boots. When 2nd layer roofs are installed, most roofers simply tar roofing at base of existing flange. This tar lasts only 5 to 15 years depending on the movement (contraction and expansion) of pipe and the quality of flashing cement (tar). Other vent pipes leak because rubber gaskets on flanges can split or deteriorate.
Understanding leak frequency in correlation to recent weather conditions (condensation on car windows indicates a period of extreme condensation) combined with no visible flaws in roof or vent pipe boot (flashing) helps diagnose a plumbing leak at an elbow in the vent pipe, saving time and
Ask about our Lifetime Boots (Included in our 25 year NO-Leak Warranty)
Most quality boots will last for up to 30 years where some can fail at as early as 15 years. When no visible cracks or holes in the rubber boot or tar is present it is then important to check all interior plumbing for leaks. Diagnosis begins using leak frequency to determine if leak can be from plumbing, from roof or from base of vent pipe. Once properly diagnosed roof repairs are either to replace vent pipe flange/boot and surrounding roof tiles using black jack to hold down new roof tiles. For short term repair, flashing cement (tar) can be used.
We are Long Island’s Most Reliable Residential and Commercial Roof Consultants!
Other Common Roof Leak Situations
Click the links below to read about other common leaks that can affect your home.
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